A Formula For Success


Success is something we all strive for. Success, however, can often feel far away and overwhelming. Here is a formula that can simplify things to bring success closer and feel more achievable.

Success = Σ (Small + Consistent Steps)

At its most basic level, “Success” is the sum of small and consistent steps in a positive direction.

The first step is to shift how you look at a problem, challenge or project. Focus on what you can do and start small. You see this approach in technology and software development work. A team may have a long term goal or a massive product to launch. Breaking the work down into smaller bite size morsels brings focus. Focus brings creativity. Creativity brings productivity. Productivity brings results. You see the chain reaction here that drives success.

Start small. Earn your quick wins. Learn from early trials and failures. The only difference between lessons learned that drive you forward and mistakes that set you back is your own perspective.

Focus on what you can do. Small bite size tasks. Complete them. Check the boxes. Move on to the next task. With small and consistent steps, you’ll reach that finish line of success faster than an Olympic sprinter in the 100 meter dash.

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